Sunday 21 September 2014

Too DEEP I write Poetry in my SLEEP

I will remain sometimes I listen to my cousins and peers how they complain about me always complaining. . They always put me to the test I was so eager to prove to them that am the best that it left me depress. I always take a competition I'm lost in my own ambition. It become my mission to prove my friends wrong that I ended up doing wrong. When you have out done your peers and you sit alone with thoughts and tears. You ask yourself Do I really have fears? Then the main question pops up what have I gain?  Only cause more pain but like I said I will remain.  Everything I do is out of pride surely but slowly its killing me in inside with my bright smile all the pain that I hide. My thoughts my only guide. I keep on going on like a dummy and like a cold hearted mummy that has no feelings. I make mistakes I pray to God that I don't step to late on my breaks. Am always out here proving I got what it takes. My course requires that too and you all know that's true. I met someone who changed my life wish I could have called her my future wife but its all messed up. I'm just standing here all dressed up.

She told me am too much fun I GUESS I don't know where to draw the line.  Now am just stuck in the moment wasting time but the sun will shine. Life can get hard but I wont allow it to tear me apart. I cant lose am to smart...  champion  is written all over my hart. I keep on moving watch me am improving.

Stay humble in this jungle. You'll stumble but trust in the men above you can ask for a million things and he still wont tell you that's enough. Second semester look around you bloggers who looks fresher? Nothing can stop me since all the negative people drop me. I am a believer never been a under achiever. Reader you just had the privilege to read the words of a leader.

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