Monday 29 September 2014

Lyrically adjusted

 I can’t complain about life because it’s truly cheap. I’m rich hey since I have a bed and warm blankest whenever I want to sleep.  I can write and read. I have things that others need like organs. I have a hart that has been broken but it can beat.  I've failed myself but my ambition made me succeed. I've been behind but am now taking the lead. I feel like going to the conference bear feet. The security will properly tell me am at the wrong place God have mercy and graze then we claim that we don’t judge people by their money and race I wear a smile on my face  every day when am in this place but am original I just don’t copy and paste.

Live you’re live like a puzzle if people want to be a part of your life they’ll fit in.  
On the   28th of October we will all be beautiful and dressed up but God knows that PR students they all messed up****** #Propaganda making you see what we want you to see being persuasive that’s a heavy degree only those who is on a higher degree will agree but if you still think of a toilet as a place where you just poo and pee then you’ll properly disagree with me.  I know some of you don’t get me J  you know what forget me. Either they obsess or they attack me. Fear allows you to respect me because I have done what a lot couldn't do and that’s to accept me. Do you get me? 

I’m blogging for marks when you covered in blood don’t swim among sharks. Al Steel your feelings and assassinate you soul make your thoughts crash subliminal control mind games I can play that role 

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