Tuesday 19 August 2014



Thanks for your advice. Thanks for being so nice. Thanks for taking me to the park and holding my hand when I was afraid of the dark. You have a golden hart. No words can describe what you mean. I’m on varsity because you believed in my dream. You told me am attractive when kids were so disrepective because my nose was runny. You laugh at my jokes when no one thought  it  was funny. You were a true hustler you always had money thanks mommy love you my sugar poo bunny

Everything you saw in me is reflecting now I’m educated and attractive WOW. You told me one lesson never be too high to bow.  I never felt like I’m missing my dad or not having one is sad because you bought me my first bike. Spank my ass and thought me the difference between wrong and right.

 Jesus also didn’t have a father

 She left school in grade B yet she could speak Xhosa, Afrikaans and English fluently. She could read and write   am bragging that’s right…. She was such a lady  a message to my grandmother from a naughty baby ….. May your soul rest in peach.


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