Sunday 21 September 2014


We never get what we want, we never want what we get, we never have what we like, and we never like what we have that’s life.  I would not say that makes us ungrateful. I think it inspires us to become bigger than our surroundings. The five W’s plays such an important role in my life. Who do I Want to be? What should I do to become what I Want to be Where am I now? Those are the things I ask myself when I wake up and go to class every day.  Class is not a blast but I made a promise to myself that I have to pass. I am in a race of my own I think in communication science we call it the interpersonal zone.

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I believe am Dope although I can’t buy the girl I admire a coke. I walk like a rich men but honestly am broke what defines me. MY personal life code that I live up to.’ NOTHING IN THIS WORLD CAN STOP you “The main reason why am in class is to learn and pay attention so that when am 40 years old I can go on pension.  And hopefully stay in a mention but I am here to learn so that I can earn.

 So many guys’ want to sound smart and look attractive. I’ve made peach with the fact  that I’m NOT ON THE CHACKLIST GUYS START DIONG THAT BEUTY AND THE BRIEFCASE HOPE AM GETTING An EXTRA MARK AG AM JUST TRYING MY LUCK. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE BREAKING FREE AND STARTING TO EXPRES THE TERM called ACTUALY BEING ME. I STATED IN THE BOOK REVIEW PEOPLE ASSANATES YOU  CHARACTER When YOU DIFFERENT BUT YOUR DIFFRENCS FORMS  1A Every person plays a role I am a striker trying to perfect my goal beside if I didn’t have you guys in my team public relations would have been like Mug without Bean that’s like a Mark down doughnut without cream. Those doughnuts that expired the day before but they still taste fluffy. 

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