Monday 26 May 2014


I can’t change the world but I can change my life and hopefully have a positive influence on others because if I change for the better. Change is difficult but yet change is possible.  We need to stop with all this division and breaking each other down.  Most of us have the same problems but most of us are here on varsity doesn’t that mean something. I stay in a sack my house burn down two years ago but before my house burn down me and mother was never really close hey but somehow that destruction brought us close love my mom what is a garden without a rose?. She fed me gave me clothes. She does everything in her power to make me happy.  A single mom apartheid took her education but yet she tells me to respect diversity I support the concept rainbow nation although I can’t see it but like change I believe I can be it. I might not be rich but am healthy am not blind, deaf or handicapped. So I will keep on walking forward and if I should fall al get on my knees and crawl.  When I feel tired and hungry al eat that bread that’s expired to keep me going.  My ambition to make it is like river that keeps on flowing your stinking opinions keep them coming watch me running to the finish line Is it a crime  if say I will pass if am Stating it like now am literally saying it we all do when we praying it this is a prayer


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