Saturday 10 May 2014


I’m so ambitious negativity spares me on to do right and not wrong. I am on a mission to complete my vision. I was born to stand out that’s my tradition.  If you walk the path I walk and manage to survive then there is a reason why you alive.  How many of us will make it reality let’s see how much of you are able to take it. I don’t mean to boost but I refuse to lose. Everybody has an opinion whether it is good or bad. Anyway opinion shouldn’t define you.  I need to be my best honestly public relation is a lot of stress but for presentation I need to dress.  My heads keeps on spinning I can’t stop whining. This is the concrete jungle why should I be humble. Here me rumble I fantasy about being here 2009 when I failed and almost went to jail.

I face my fears and hide my tears. I keep on trying and when people greet me I keep on smiling.

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