Monday 19 May 2014


Won’t drop out took so many punches that I could stand up from a knock out. Negative energy’s al keep them lock out. I’m always busy stating how I feel I suffer from a disease called keeping it real because these days’ people can’t say how they feel.  Tell me what am I hiding the fact that am proud of the fact that am surviving and so many of my people are dying. God I hope you hear me when I pray because I just want to say I don’t want to stand in a long line hole day waiting for all pay men God I want my own pay. When I walk into pick n pay and by all the things I want I don’t want to come at the counter and put down my spray no way or ask the cashier to add an extra rand. I’m always looking for printing bites can’t even afford to buy my girl some papa bites. God I don’t want to complain but am always steeling train I haven’t seen my girls in months but she stays in Mitcheplain . I’m so tired of all the pap and bread really men am really feeling sad this pap is driving me mad but yah life is good and bad J . So I saw what you did last thanks for giving me the ability to past that test. God you are the best when I look in the mirror I become so impress because you always standing next to me.  God is good do not stop believing and you won’t stop achieving. Ask him and you won’t stop receiving just keep on believing I lost my house almost lost my mother twice almost lost my life yet I survive the material  is all gone  but I got something that made me strong.  Mentally can’t explain this joy I feel like a 3year old boy getting a brand new toy

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