Monday 26 May 2014


I can’t change the world but I can change my life and hopefully have a positive influence on others because if I change for the better. Change is difficult but yet change is possible.  We need to stop with all this division and breaking each other down.  Most of us have the same problems but most of us are here on varsity doesn’t that mean something. I stay in a sack my house burn down two years ago but before my house burn down me and mother was never really close hey but somehow that destruction brought us close love my mom what is a garden without a rose?. She fed me gave me clothes. She does everything in her power to make me happy.  A single mom apartheid took her education but yet she tells me to respect diversity I support the concept rainbow nation although I can’t see it but like change I believe I can be it. I might not be rich but am healthy am not blind, deaf or handicapped. So I will keep on walking forward and if I should fall al get on my knees and crawl.  When I feel tired and hungry al eat that bread that’s expired to keep me going.  My ambition to make it is like river that keeps on flowing your stinking opinions keep them coming watch me running to the finish line Is it a crime  if say I will pass if am Stating it like now am literally saying it we all do when we praying it this is a prayer


Friday 23 May 2014

The purist form of giving is anonymous to anonymous

I try to pretend that I'm different but in the end we're all the same .I pray to God, Father forgive a bro I'm never gonna change Sometimes I feel survivor's guilt
I gave some money to this guy, he got high as hell
Now I'm part of the problem far as I could tell
Did I do it for him or do it for myself
Can't lie to myself

Monday 19 May 2014


Won’t drop out took so many punches that I could stand up from a knock out. Negative energy’s al keep them lock out. I’m always busy stating how I feel I suffer from a disease called keeping it real because these days’ people can’t say how they feel.  Tell me what am I hiding the fact that am proud of the fact that am surviving and so many of my people are dying. God I hope you hear me when I pray because I just want to say I don’t want to stand in a long line hole day waiting for all pay men God I want my own pay. When I walk into pick n pay and by all the things I want I don’t want to come at the counter and put down my spray no way or ask the cashier to add an extra rand. I’m always looking for printing bites can’t even afford to buy my girl some papa bites. God I don’t want to complain but am always steeling train I haven’t seen my girls in months but she stays in Mitcheplain . I’m so tired of all the pap and bread really men am really feeling sad this pap is driving me mad but yah life is good and bad J . So I saw what you did last thanks for giving me the ability to past that test. God you are the best when I look in the mirror I become so impress because you always standing next to me.  God is good do not stop believing and you won’t stop achieving. Ask him and you won’t stop receiving just keep on believing I lost my house almost lost my mother twice almost lost my life yet I survive the material  is all gone  but I got something that made me strong.  Mentally can’t explain this joy I feel like a 3year old boy getting a brand new toy

Wednesday 14 May 2014


We never get what we want, we never want what we get, we never have what we like, and we never like what we have that’s life.  I would not say that makes us ungrateful. I think it inspires us to become bigger than our surroundings. The five W’s plays such an important role in my life. Who do I Want to be? What should I do to become What I Want to be Where am I now? Those are the things I ask myself when I wake up and go to class every day in class is not a blast but I made a promise to myself that I have to pass. I am in a race of my own I think in communication science we call it the interpersonal zone. I believe am Dope although I can’t buy the girl I admire a coke. I walk like a rich men but honestly am broke what defines me MY personal life code that I live up to.’ NOTHING IN THIS WORLD CAN STOP you “The main reason why am in class is to learn and pay attention so that when am 40 years old I can go on pension.  And hopefully stay in a mention that’s a dream. We all have dreams that’s why we all at this intuition to learn so that we can earn. So many guys’ wants sound smart and look attractive. I’VE MADE PEACH WITH THE FACT THAT AM NOT ON THE CHACKLIST GUYS START DIONG THAT J J BEUTY AND THE BRIEFCASE HOPE AM GETTING A EXTRA MARK AG AM JUST TRYING MY LUCK. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THOSE WHO ARE BREAKING FREE AND STARTING TO EXPRES THE TERM called ACTUALY BEING ME. I STATED IN THE BOOK REVIEW PEOPLE ASSANATES YOU  CHARACTER WHN YOU DIFFERENT BUT YOUR DIFFRENCS FORM 1A Every person plays a role I am a striker trying to perfect my goal beside if I didn’t have you guys in my team public relations would have been like Mug without bean that’s like a Mark down doughnut without cream. Those doughnuts that expired the day before but they still taste fluffy. J  In a way we all the same because we cry and we smile we want to be this honest trusted people but we lie. I think its ohk because we will be lying after varsity every day  I just like what am becoming all these assignments is like a mad race that am just running I know the end results will hopefully be stunning……

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Class A

Respect to those who went out of their way to make open day a successful day.  A special thanks to our group leader who went the extra mile to see the boys in style.  Thumbs up  #Instapr  .  CLASS B you guys were awesome.   RESPECT TO MY CLASS>>> CLASS A WHO ACTAULY GAVE YOU GUYS THE OPERTUNITY TO WIN YOUR LAST VENUE IN OUR PRESENCE. >>>> J

Saturday 10 May 2014


I’m so ambitious negativity spares me on to do right and not wrong. I am on a mission to complete my vision. I was born to stand out that’s my tradition.  If you walk the path I walk and manage to survive then there is a reason why you alive.  How many of us will make it reality let’s see how much of you are able to take it. I don’t mean to boost but I refuse to lose. Everybody has an opinion whether it is good or bad. Anyway opinion shouldn’t define you.  I need to be my best honestly public relation is a lot of stress but for presentation I need to dress.  My heads keeps on spinning I can’t stop whining. This is the concrete jungle why should I be humble. Here me rumble I fantasy about being here 2009 when I failed and almost went to jail.

I face my fears and hide my tears. I keep on trying and when people greet me I keep on smiling.