Wednesday 2 April 2014

Enjoy my day. Life is really what you make it.I think everyday we are face with chalanges what we make off it will determine wherte we will goi in life. I've discoverd in order for me to move forward al need to forget about the past.  We all have problems and know one is perfect but sureley we strive for perfection.I realy wanna be a pr student its very important to me but then my grandmother is all that truly matters to me. Meaning I PLACE NOTHING ABOVE THAT NOT EVEN UNIVERSITY. I am here because I want to have a better life and sometimes it feels like the main perpous slips my mind. I stay in a hokie lol and for real its really not that bad for me but mabey for my mom becasue she getting older and as you can feel winter are geting colder. So I state this because its difcult to rasie your hand when you in the pr class to many people lack of confidence those things it apear but NOW things are diffrent. I prefer to raise my voice and ask my qestions because know one will ask them for me. I think it takes a lot of courage to pose something like this but the nare fact is that this is the reality of life. We all are afriad to say i sont understand or i dont have those who say it is normaly classified under the better group. When i reffer to the better group i talk about the people who speaks fluntley english the ones who know things. I'm not afriad anymore Luvuyo Christo Maya. I think GOD HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEM SELF. Admiting is the first step of growing and improving. I feel that  humans are to scared to admit. I  am already here fail;ed grade nine two times but am here woke up from ICU BUT AM HEAR :) FOR A REASON. I wont say al be a pr student tree years from now its a corse that requires dedication,time and ambition. I LACK of dedication but am over confident and amnitious. With a soul  like mine its imposible to give up and you only win when you dont give in. Term two is on our doorstep mates. I wish you all luck in your studies. MY MESSAGE FOR THE DAY.( YOU NEED TO WANT THE THINGS YOU NEED) LIKE EDUCATION

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