Sunday 2 November 2014

Everything in life has its purpose like every plant.

Every men has his own brain. everything that you think you untitled to think and also do what you want to do just as long as you don't offend others.
Men is in titled to call himself what ever he wants to

Sometimes you need to ask yourself are you satisfied with the live you live.
As people we have become depend t on money . Can you grow your own food? Can you predict the whether by looking at the sky?

We need to start reflecting and start invest time in things like love, compassion being happy and looking out for other humans and animals rather then look out of the lattes i pads,  My hart does not desire to live in a palace or own a Million rand or the lattes phone.
But I desire to be respected and treate people with respect.

I long for being on a farm swimming in a lake eating home maize.
Siting under a tree.
I miss walking bear feet.
I missing being to see how people are satisfied with the little bit they have. Happy people that does not earn more then 400rand a week

We will be forever loving Jah . "
Only a fool lean on its own understanding"
Those are the great Bob Marley words.
Everything in life has a purposeevery three

Saturday 1 November 2014


 Thanks God for another day. I have the privilege   to give a smile away. I have bread to eat and a bed where I can sleep yet Jah think of those who has no shelter. Bless them with food to eat in this day. Think of those who find them self in hospitals.  Comfort the poor be with my people. If I don’t live for other humans that why am I Living.
Make me seek wisdom more than Gold make m y hands open to give. What is a man purpose other than serving others?  
Let me love me neighbors. Make me respect those who disrespect me because it’s a form of helping. Make me move away from self-centeredness. Let me practice these words with your help JAH   

By the sweat of your brow
    you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
    since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
    and to dust you will return.”

Give me the will to work and restrain from complain Jah    

Thursday 30 October 2014


never thought that climbing the ladder of being a pr practitioner can be so straneous. At times one feel hopeless and wants to quit but the secret is all in your mindset and what you want in life. A wise man ones said that life is a journey of ups and downs while scientist says its the survival of the fittest. In this jungle the weak become eliminate and the strong survive..alive

Tuesday 28 October 2014

The journey of a student

I am in the PR sector I ask myself today will I go down in history as a one page name or philospical chapter. My mom introduced me at a young age to brands like Daniel hector which made me relished the more you spend on yourself the more you felt better. (branding)

My big bro would tell me spread love and not hate .  Love other like  you love yourself who can honestly relate its hard topic for debate. To treat others the way you want to be treated.

I strive to become a better person that what I was so I talk to God. He'll always reply. I look in the mirror and tell my reflection these words boy you fly the opportunities is here Cape Peninsula University  of technology that's the sky.  I then have intra personal conversation and ask myself why one moment you happy the next you cry. You present confidently yet you shy? Then I look at the time and told my reflection bye al be late for class

I get my books  fast and move, I get in the lab my class mates tell me their is a activity  you should have. This is bad I jump in-front of a Pc and start typing while I hear how other students are fighting  over the new redcaps and what is the  right thing but as I continue my typing something just strike me like lightning. Class will start in the next 12 mins so I type and focus to complete telling my self plagiarism is cheat so instead of copying I read.  A girl ask me out of the blue dude print me a page I said no she said dude you cheap. I continue typing thinking that's the last thing I need.

I then stood up and move like a sprinter on my way to the printer. Only to discover my balance is minus something. I tell you that day was something.  :) The challenges of a fresh men it was fun and stress men be the best at being the best men

The journey of a student

Monday 27 October 2014

South Africa

To my beloved country may you exist forever. May the people of this country make you better. The lands are green the water is blue that's flowing from the stream. The home of honey and cream. South Africa I have a dream. 

The rainbow nation God perfect creation . South Africa my roots the dust on my boots the material of my suites. From Daimonds to Gold your history is so old.
South Africa

Friday 24 October 2014

So Appalled

The finish line is insight
The future seems bright
I’m counting my wrongs and my right
I have made my shoe laces tight
Now I’m proceeding in the hopes that I will be leading
The only thing on a winners mind is achieving
How do you fall and get back up?
It’s all in believing” Christo Maya

Thursday 23 October 2014


Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny

Always be aware of your thoughts. Be the change you want to see. Life is  a gift appreciate it. To all my friends hope you guys pass this year. Treat your first time like your last time because you never know if it is your last time.

Time really flies so do what makes you happy.

Friday 17 October 2014

My blogs is the BEST

There is something I need to confess. My blog is the best writes it on your home address.  Beyond Your Expectation. BlogSpot .com make sure it’s on your accounting and communication test.  My blogs name should be printed on your vest.  You should tattoo it on your chest. I am so impressed by my blog. Think about my blog at night before you rest my blog is the best ……. 

Friday 10 October 2014

Market day brought out the unity in class

One day in my life I won’t forget we made R900 Clean profit. Memories that I won’t forget thought the unity
Oneness is the perfect expansion
Of our inner reality.
Let our heart’s oneness only increase
To make us feel
That we belong to a universal world ‘ family,
And this world ‘ family
Is a fulfilled Dream of God.

Monday 6 October 2014


 God forgive  me for all my sins but I don't want to eat out of bins. Cant picture myself eating all my life out of tins and this extra vet meat. Cholesterol is gonna slow my hart beat. I need flora not Sun Shine D that's why I should get this degree. It just doesn't feel right to shop at shop rite.

Monday 29 September 2014

Lyrically adjusted

 I can’t complain about life because it’s truly cheap. I’m rich hey since I have a bed and warm blankest whenever I want to sleep.  I can write and read. I have things that others need like organs. I have a hart that has been broken but it can beat.  I've failed myself but my ambition made me succeed. I've been behind but am now taking the lead. I feel like going to the conference bear feet. The security will properly tell me am at the wrong place God have mercy and graze then we claim that we don’t judge people by their money and race I wear a smile on my face  every day when am in this place but am original I just don’t copy and paste.

Live you’re live like a puzzle if people want to be a part of your life they’ll fit in.  
On the   28th of October we will all be beautiful and dressed up but God knows that PR students they all messed up****** #Propaganda making you see what we want you to see being persuasive that’s a heavy degree only those who is on a higher degree will agree but if you still think of a toilet as a place where you just poo and pee then you’ll properly disagree with me.  I know some of you don’t get me J  you know what forget me. Either they obsess or they attack me. Fear allows you to respect me because I have done what a lot couldn't do and that’s to accept me. Do you get me? 

I’m blogging for marks when you covered in blood don’t swim among sharks. Al Steel your feelings and assassinate you soul make your thoughts crash subliminal control mind games I can play that role 

Wednesday 24 September 2014


Stacy:   So what do you think of varsity life?
Legacy:  The girls are nice but everybody is running around giving each other UNTAWNTED advice

Stacy: Like?
Legacy:  Sad faces telling each other how to be happy, it’s like one baby s**** in his pants and teaching the next one how not to poo in his nappy.
Stacy: What makes a person unique?

Legacy: Someone who doesn’t think before they speak
Stacy: On varsity what is the one thing you haven’t done?

Legacy :  Stop having fun.
Stacey: What turns you off?

Legacy :   Everything that turns varsity boys on
 Stacey:  Things like?

  Legacy:     Dumb dudes acting smart girls talking as if they don’t fart honest opinion coming from my mind and not the hart.

Stacey; what is the one word you never use?
Legacy: Love

Stacey:  Are you excited about the bash?
 Legacy:     I don’t get excited if am spending cash

Stacey:  you such an
Legacy:  YESS

Stacy: You need to chill
Legacy: So now you Doctor Phill?

Stacey: so what are you doing later?
Legacy:  Discussing how lovers become haters

Stacey: On the conference are you feeling the pressure?
Legacy: Nope look around you whose fresher don’t get it twisted  with better

Stacy: You seem like a dude that carries a lot of hate.
Legacy:  Because I get allot of hate Powerful people can relate like um wait Liya she’s a Girls that’s always on the debate. She carries a lot of weight I mean she looks great who can look at her straight and say what they truly think? Eye wink she Hot um let me stop but let me continue since blogging is part of my Job. I’m a dude from the block on my way to the top and honestly won’t mind taking her on a date OR even to a Spaza shop.

Stacey :  But on a serious Note people are all hype about Pasma and SASCO SO ARE YOU GONNA VOTE

Legacy:    Even if I do al still be broke al still catch a train it’s like saying vote for ANc then you’ll get better houses in Kaylitsah or            Mitch plain? It’s about location not to complain there are people sleeping in front of the police station.  People walking around bare feet ask me am from the hood. I smile but bra things ain’t that GOOD ALL YOU SEE IS A DUDE IN A SUIT   BUT AM HAPPY ATLEAST I HAVE A WARM BED AND FOOD.  I don’t walk bear feet but this is the basic things people need. That’s why AL try by all means to succeed. I can walk behind you and give you the impression that you lead al bow at your feet if there is something I need call me FAKE and cheap ANYTHING THAT CAN MAKE YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT

Sunday 21 September 2014

Too DEEP I write Poetry in my SLEEP

I will remain sometimes I listen to my cousins and peers how they complain about me always complaining. . They always put me to the test I was so eager to prove to them that am the best that it left me depress. I always take a competition I'm lost in my own ambition. It become my mission to prove my friends wrong that I ended up doing wrong. When you have out done your peers and you sit alone with thoughts and tears. You ask yourself Do I really have fears? Then the main question pops up what have I gain?  Only cause more pain but like I said I will remain.  Everything I do is out of pride surely but slowly its killing me in inside with my bright smile all the pain that I hide. My thoughts my only guide. I keep on going on like a dummy and like a cold hearted mummy that has no feelings. I make mistakes I pray to God that I don't step to late on my breaks. Am always out here proving I got what it takes. My course requires that too and you all know that's true. I met someone who changed my life wish I could have called her my future wife but its all messed up. I'm just standing here all dressed up.

She told me am too much fun I GUESS I don't know where to draw the line.  Now am just stuck in the moment wasting time but the sun will shine. Life can get hard but I wont allow it to tear me apart. I cant lose am to smart...  champion  is written all over my hart. I keep on moving watch me am improving.

Stay humble in this jungle. You'll stumble but trust in the men above you can ask for a million things and he still wont tell you that's enough. Second semester look around you bloggers who looks fresher? Nothing can stop me since all the negative people drop me. I am a believer never been a under achiever. Reader you just had the privilege to read the words of a leader.