Tuesday 28 October 2014

The journey of a student

I am in the PR sector I ask myself today will I go down in history as a one page name or philospical chapter. My mom introduced me at a young age to brands like Daniel hector which made me relished the more you spend on yourself the more you felt better. (branding)

My big bro would tell me spread love and not hate .  Love other like  you love yourself who can honestly relate its hard topic for debate. To treat others the way you want to be treated.

I strive to become a better person that what I was so I talk to God. He'll always reply. I look in the mirror and tell my reflection these words boy you fly the opportunities is here Cape Peninsula University  of technology that's the sky.  I then have intra personal conversation and ask myself why one moment you happy the next you cry. You present confidently yet you shy? Then I look at the time and told my reflection bye al be late for class

I get my books  fast and move, I get in the lab my class mates tell me their is a activity  you should have. This is bad I jump in-front of a Pc and start typing while I hear how other students are fighting  over the new redcaps and what is the  right thing but as I continue my typing something just strike me like lightning. Class will start in the next 12 mins so I type and focus to complete telling my self plagiarism is cheat so instead of copying I read.  A girl ask me out of the blue dude print me a page I said no she said dude you cheap. I continue typing thinking that's the last thing I need.

I then stood up and move like a sprinter on my way to the printer. Only to discover my balance is minus something. I tell you that day was something.  :) The challenges of a fresh men it was fun and stress men be the best at being the best men

The journey of a student

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