Wednesday 6 August 2014

Will Power

Topic of my life trying to raise above my circumstances. Only thing that keeps me going. I'm like a tree that wont stop growing. My struggle cant define me so I put my struggle behind me.

. God keep  my lips away from lies. I've  been blind by negative thoughts. These thoughts came when things were bad hard times almost drove me mad. I look in the mirror and see my dad the same dude who went twenty years back to go buy some bread. In hard times I've learn that even the water you drink is earn. Life constantly change sometimes  there is gonna be sunny days but there will also be rain but  make sure that you remain always focus on your aim. I don't give unless I gain. Only people who deserves my joy is those who experienced my pain. I will graduate there is a saying that says don't count your eggs before it hatch well I'm already in this match I took a few punches it left me with a scratch here and there I needed a patch but I'm telling you I wont lose.

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