Tuesday 26 August 2014


Why does this written doe bound through these written woods?
For a drink of written water from a spring
whose surface will xerox her soft muzzle?
Why does she lift her head; does she hear something?
Perched on four slim legs borrowed from the truth,
she pricks up her ears beneath my fingertips.
Silence - this word also rustles across the page
and parts the boughs
that have sprouted from the word "woods."

Lying in wait, set to pounce on the blank page,
are letters up to no good,
clutches of clauses so subordinate
they'll never let her get away.

Each drop of ink contains a fair supply
of hunters, equipped with squinting eyes behind their sights,
prepared to swarm the sloping pen at any moment,

surround the doe, and slowly aim their guns.

Tuesday 19 August 2014



Thanks for your advice. Thanks for being so nice. Thanks for taking me to the park and holding my hand when I was afraid of the dark. You have a golden hart. No words can describe what you mean. I’m on varsity because you believed in my dream. You told me am attractive when kids were so disrepective because my nose was runny. You laugh at my jokes when no one thought  it  was funny. You were a true hustler you always had money thanks mommy love you my sugar poo bunny

Everything you saw in me is reflecting now I’m educated and attractive WOW. You told me one lesson never be too high to bow.  I never felt like I’m missing my dad or not having one is sad because you bought me my first bike. Spank my ass and thought me the difference between wrong and right.

 Jesus also didn’t have a father

 She left school in grade B yet she could speak Xhosa, Afrikaans and English fluently. She could read and write   am bragging that’s right…. She was such a lady  a message to my grandmother from a naughty baby ….. May your soul rest in peach.

Friday 15 August 2014

Believe in Your self

Take one's adversity
Learn from their misfortune
Learn from their pain
Believe in something
Believe in yourself
Turn adversity into ambition

Now blossom into wealth

The Future

Excited about our pitch... For the conference think we stand a good chance brainstorming was a stressful process people get upset when you turn down there ideas but we have learn a lot. We came to an agreement communication is a vital tool. Smiling and supporting each other the ultimate rule

The theme is inevitable and eminent change. I still don't understand the theme to in detail you know you understand something when you explain it without thinking about it but according to my tutorial lecture he says you can use words without thinking about it. How many people does that I mean daily? 

We spoke the other day about social media specificity our Facebook accounts. According to my media lecture if you edit on your profile that you a student at CPUT they automatically see everything you do on your Facebook account.

So I went and done my own research on technology and this is what I discovered

Predicaments for the future 
People will have more wars in 2050? I mean, people will have wars over things like water and food.

 The will be more different vehicles too and robots will make earth better with zero emissions 
The weather will be controlled by then
College education will be delivered almost entirely on the Internet, as virtual reality and improved Internet speed and connectivity will make most face-to-face classes unnecessary and uneconomical.
We will be able to make just about any physical object invisible. We will have eliminated cancer. Artificial organs will be widely available and affordable
There will be a global population lottery for people who want children, not everyone will be allowed to have kids.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Will Power

Topic of my life trying to raise above my circumstances. Only thing that keeps me going. I'm like a tree that wont stop growing. My struggle cant define me so I put my struggle behind me.

. God keep  my lips away from lies. I've  been blind by negative thoughts. These thoughts came when things were bad hard times almost drove me mad. I look in the mirror and see my dad the same dude who went twenty years back to go buy some bread. In hard times I've learn that even the water you drink is earn. Life constantly change sometimes  there is gonna be sunny days but there will also be rain but  make sure that you remain always focus on your aim. I don't give unless I gain. Only people who deserves my joy is those who experienced my pain. I will graduate there is a saying that says don't count your eggs before it hatch well I'm already in this match I took a few punches it left me with a scratch here and there I needed a patch but I'm telling you I wont lose.