Sunday 2 November 2014

Everything in life has its purpose like every plant.

Every men has his own brain. everything that you think you untitled to think and also do what you want to do just as long as you don't offend others.
Men is in titled to call himself what ever he wants to

Sometimes you need to ask yourself are you satisfied with the live you live.
As people we have become depend t on money . Can you grow your own food? Can you predict the whether by looking at the sky?

We need to start reflecting and start invest time in things like love, compassion being happy and looking out for other humans and animals rather then look out of the lattes i pads,  My hart does not desire to live in a palace or own a Million rand or the lattes phone.
But I desire to be respected and treate people with respect.

I long for being on a farm swimming in a lake eating home maize.
Siting under a tree.
I miss walking bear feet.
I missing being to see how people are satisfied with the little bit they have. Happy people that does not earn more then 400rand a week

We will be forever loving Jah . "
Only a fool lean on its own understanding"
Those are the great Bob Marley words.
Everything in life has a purposeevery three

Saturday 1 November 2014


 Thanks God for another day. I have the privilege   to give a smile away. I have bread to eat and a bed where I can sleep yet Jah think of those who has no shelter. Bless them with food to eat in this day. Think of those who find them self in hospitals.  Comfort the poor be with my people. If I don’t live for other humans that why am I Living.
Make me seek wisdom more than Gold make m y hands open to give. What is a man purpose other than serving others?  
Let me love me neighbors. Make me respect those who disrespect me because it’s a form of helping. Make me move away from self-centeredness. Let me practice these words with your help JAH   

By the sweat of your brow
    you will eat your food
until you return to the ground,
    since from it you were taken;
for dust you are
    and to dust you will return.”

Give me the will to work and restrain from complain Jah